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Peter Lieber

My name is Peter Lieber (@peteralieber). I am a Computer Engineer by training, a logic designer, hardware engineer, logic architect, hardware architect, software engineer, systems engineer, applications engineer by experience, and have a passion for protocols, computer graphics, storage technology, high performance computing, GPU and CPU architecture, modeling, trains, transit, tools, woodworking, and Lego.

I love graphs.

Let me explain. While reading an article about map rendering, I was struck with the realization that many of my interests stem from graphs. I have been interested in networks, transit, CPU architecture, FPGAs, algorithms, railroads, maps, circuits, Lego, protocols, graph theory, computer languages, compilers, GIS, data science, HPC, parallel computing, neural networks, machine learning, traveling, history, physics, 3D graphics, art, drawing, visual communication, product development, modeling, procedural generation, smart grid, and IoT.

I have been working in the protocol analyzer, networking, and storage industries for the last 9 years. Currently, I work as an SAE, supporting storage products. My activities range from building drivers and debugging to hunting down protocol violations to solving hardware failures. I also work with organizations to develop industry standards.

I have worked as a hardware engineer designing networking products. As an architect and on the technical track, I obtained multiple patents. I have designed protocol analyzers for SAS/SATA, PCIe, and NVMe. My focus was on FPGA logic design. In this capacity, I had experience with all phases of the product life-cycle.

I like following industry trends, particularly python, graphics cards, FPGA, CPU, and protocols. I have enjoyed being a part of and contributing to standards organizations and workgroups. With my broad understanding and experience, I excel in various roles such as firmware, logic, hardware, and software engineer, sales engineer, product manager, and technical marketing.

I enjoy working with people, at the same time (or while) being able to flex my creative muscles to influence roadmaps, architectures, and products. Give me a problem with constraints and I will create a solution. I want to develop good ideas and see them realized in order to make a difference in the world. This is not just a cliche: I want to feel connected to and motivated about the projects and outcomes of my work.

Back to graphs.

Everything that I find beautiful or get lost in thought about (other than my wife) seems to stem from the common idea or theme of graphs and networks. I often fall asleep dreaming about some network or another: transit routes, car trips, or optimization problems. Other times I dream about how best to visualize an idea or the best way to communicate a complicated process. The point is, if it can be represented as a map, network, or chart, I’m in!